Our Purpose & Origin

Our Purpose & Origin

Our Purpose

The Bryan Blossom Foundation supports health and healing through the power of food as medicine.

Our Origin

In early November of 2018, my husband of thirty years was diagnosed with stage three bladder cancer. The “standard of care” recommended was surgery, which we learned had some very undesirable side effects. He rejected that approach completely.

While waiting to consult with a specialist about chemo treatments, we were seated in a room with patients who were receiving those very chemo treatments. As my husband looked around, he was shocked at the worn, weary and haunted look on their faces. It was more than the cancer they were battling but we didn’t know what caused their defeated and hopeless expressions.

During our consultation my husband asked about those patients. The doctor told him they were people who literally had to choose between eating that week or getting their chemo treatment! I had never seen such a look of disbelief and heartbreak on my husband’s face. In the car he turned to me and said, “This cannot be. You have to fix this. Do something about it.”

My husband ultimately chose quality of life over quantity of life and he died in July of 2019, at the age of 78. To keep my promise to “fix” the food versus chemo problem in our community, I arranged for highly nutritious meals to be delivered to patients who could not afford both treatment and food. The doctor was ecstatic and enthusiastic.

Unfortunately, the non-profit he worked with and referred me to was uncooperative. They preferred that I simply write a check to them and then they would determine the use of the funds. That was unacceptable to me and the idea of forming a private foundation took hold.

— Ramona Bryan, Founder