Guiding Philosophy

Guiding Philosophy

Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
— Hippocrates

The Bryan Blossom Foundation believes that nutrition is the foundation of all wellness. Without it, we are not only more susceptible to chronic illness, but we are not operating with the vigor with which we were meant to enjoy life. This includes physical, intellectual, and emotional health. The Bryan Blossom Foundation is committed to forging partnerships and alliances with organizations and individuals that build upon the strongest possible nutritional foundation for disease management, health, and well being.

Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

This age-old truth sees nutrition as the foundation of preventing illness and curing disease. In this view, nutrition doesn’t play a complementary role to medical interventions, but rather is the first and foremost medicine, both preventing and curing imbalances in the body. Research reveals that with proper nutrition, the body has a striking ability to re-balance and heal. By giving the body the proper fuel it needs to function optimally, this translates into many chronic illnesses being prevented or going away entirely.

Nutrition as foundational health has been a central element of traditional forms of medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal medicine, Naturopathic medicine, and so forth), but as conventional medicine mostly replaced traditional forms of medicine in the early 20th century, the use of nutrition in curative medicine began a steep decline. Nutritional science is not typically used as a tool in conventional medicine today, as evidenced by how few hours (not even days!) are spent teaching nutritional science in our medical schools. Instead, pharmaceuticals have become the predominant treatment method for most doctors, and pharmaceutical companies continue to reap financial rewards from medicating chronic illness caused by poor nutrition.

Our current medical system unfortunately is itself a sick system. It does not meaningfully advocate disease prevention or wellness. Instead, it provides stopgaps and symptom relief, as compared to addressing root problems and the body as a whole. Conventional medicine certainly has an important role to play in our society, but more emphasis must rightfully be placed back on the critical role that a healthy diet plays in disease prevention and individual health maintenance, as it did many years ago. Fortunately, we are witnessing a resurgence in the use of nutritional science for both disease management and illness prevention by patients seeking out practitioners trained in integrative, holistic medicine.

Research abounds on the success of nutrition in preventing and healing chronic illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bowel disease, and obesity as well as anxiety and depression. The goal of the Bryan Blossom Foundation is to disseminate nutritional knowledge to enable people to achieve greater health and vitality. Our desire is for more people to recognize the enduring connection between nutrition and health, and to assist in the rediscovery of the healing power of food.